Don Mills is a legendary community, master planned from Day One. The Ontario Heritage Foundation designated Don Mills as a heritage site, the only community so honoured in the province.
Tridel's Argento condominium community is the next step in the urban evolution of the area, a natural progression in elegance and beauty, thoughtfully enriching the community's storied history.
A reflection of the past
Located on a hilly plateau of land that rises above the undulating contours of the Don Ravine, the Graydon community was once primarily farmland, with a grist mill on the bank of the Don River where the Donalda Club golf course now rests. One of the earlier residents of Graydon was David Duncan, a wealthy land baron. His house, built in 1865, is now the David Duncan House, one of North York's finest dining establishments, conveniently located just down the road from Argento, at Don Mills Road and Moatfield Drive.
Graydon Hall, from which the Graydon community gets its name, was built in 1936 in the Georgian manor style by wealthy financier Henry Rupert Bain. The luxurious mansion was 130 feet long and 50 feet wide and occupied an immense plot of land that included a park, race track, lodge house, stables for champion race horses and a private golf course. Now a landmark of Canada's first master-planned community, this Don Mills manor home remains and is a favourite Toronto destination for weddings and elegant affairs.